This post is part of the Building a Scraper that scales series.

  1. Part I: The Motivation to Build a Scraper in Python


Remember that period when most parts of the world were in a lockdown due to COVID? Yes, we’re nearing the end of 2023 and COVID seems like a distant memory at this point. However, like I imagine many of us, I suddenly found that being restricted in movement and social interaction to a large extent, I had a lot more time at my disposal. This was also a time where my wife and I realised that we could have more space for ourselves so each of us could have an office setup we could be happy with. This also being a time of low interest rates to encourage consumption in the economy, it was an especially interesting property market.

This seemed as good a time as any to write a scraper for Belgium’s most popular property listings website: immoweb. My desire for this first version was to first, be able to have a very general idea of the Brussels property market. Thereafter, I would launch this script every few days to look at the new properties. The output of this script would be a CSV that I’d use to spot good deals and have all the relevant information I’d need to schedule visits.

Implementing the Proof of concept

I was running this script from a windows machine at the time and having done a scraping project once before already, knew that I’d start with selenium for the browser automation and parsing of the html. The setup required that I choose a browser and a corresponding geckodriver (with the appropriate version for your browser) to go along with it. I’ve used firefox and edge browsers (and their respective drivers) for different iterations of the scraper implementation.

After messing around with developer tools, looking into the dom’s containing the information I was looking for using inspect, I had a script that was doing the job. I made a conda export of the environment I used for the scraping in case I ever needed to revisit this work again. This script did the job and I was quite happy leaving it at that with an environment export so I could pick up from this analysis when needed. This version of the script can be found here for those who are interested.

A sidenote on Bayesian statistics

For the longest time I’ve been a fan of Bayesian statistics. Being able to explicitly encode your modelling assumptions in the form of priors, as well as being very deliberate in reconstructing the data generating process of the phenomenon you’re modelling. You can visually verify how well your model is generalizing by doing what is called a posterior predictive check. The computational aspects of MCMC sampling also appeals to the nerd in me, while the convergence of your sampler gives indications about how well-informed a hypothesis you have for your data generating process. An ill-formulated model will simply not converge, unlike a number of other approaches which would always give a solution and then you’re left to figure out if you’re overfitting or underfitting. Then there is the fact that you are always able to work with distributions of your phenomenon of interest rather than relying solely on point estimates like we would in most other methods. There’s a number of fascinating things that are possible with these posterior distributions, which include bayesian decision making. I will link to a great discussion on the subject by Thomas Wiecki on the subject here where we can see how to use our models to directly show the impact of uncertainy on real business metrics rather than arcane statistical metrics such as mean squared error, f1 score and the like which don’t hold any real business meaning.

Naturally, I have my bias for these methods and using these models bring their own challenges. In some cases, traditional machine learning approaches would give better performance without sacrificing interpretability and help you reach a conclusion faster than using these bespoke modelling approaches. Nonetheless, I was on the lookout for an opportunity to find a dataset where I could exploit the natural hierarchical structure of data in a hierarchical modelling or the flexiblity of Gaussian process modelling to capture the intricaties of non-linear processes. The link shows the distinction between modelling the same problem as a regression vs using a gaussian process smoothing model.

Revisiting the implementation once again

Any data scientist or machine learning practitioner will tell you about their struggles with data. It’s either data quality (or lack thereof) or just the lack of data itself for performing interesting analyses. Then it suddenly occurred to me: property data is perfect for the experiments I wanted to conduct.

Scraping property prices over time gives the opportunity to model property prices over time and ask interesting questions, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Are rental property prices growing at the same rate as purchase properties?
  • Do we observe a similar growth rate across different communes?
  • Are properties in the same commune priced similarly and if so, how much does this vary by commune?
  • What are the most important determinants of price?

A dataset of this nature contains elements of time series analysis since property prices evolve over time. There is also a natural structure in the data that can be exploited since we can indeed expect properties within communes to be similarly priced. This would be a place where we can use Gaussian process modelling to capture the underlying trends and fluctuations in property prices within each commune. We can use property proximity to model the inherent spatial relationships between properties, assuming that properties closer to each other are more likely to have similar prices!

By revisiting my initial scraper implementation with this newfound focus, I am not just enhancing a tool; I am building a robust data collection pipeline that will serve as the backbone for these sophisticated analytical experiments.

Areas of improvement

With a clear goal in mind, I identified several key areas to refine the scraper’s implementation. These improvements were aimed at making the scraper more efficient, easier to manage, and more robust for data collection and analysis.

1. Efficiency in Data Scraping

Switch to Beautiful Soup: I wanted to transition from Selenium to Beautiful Soup for parsing raw HTML. This change ought to significantly reduced the time needed to scrape data.

Parametrization of Postal Codes: Allowing postal codes as an input parameter to make the scraper more flexible. I was initially only looking into a few communes in Brussels that I was interested in. However, if I wanted to do some interesting analyses, I also wanted to consider communes neighboring Brussels.

2. Dependency Management

Use of Poetry: To manage the project’s dependencies more effectively, I wanted to convert the script into a Python package and used Poetry for managing the dependencies. This streamlines the installation process and allows me to manage the package versions in a systematic version. This would be especially useful as we dockerize the analysis in the future and build a CI/CD pipeline.

Implementation of Typer: I used Typer to create a command-line interface from the main application entrypoint. I’ve effectively transitioned to using this instead of click recently.

3. Code Refactoring for Readability and Maintainability

Object-Oriented Approach: I wanted to refactor the code to use Python classes instead of just functions where appropriate. By using meaningful class names, the code can become self-documenting and easier to maintain and extend in the long run.

5. Data Storage and Validation

SQLite Database: I wanted to use a SQLite database with an initial schema to store the data I’d be accumulating over time. I’ve really enjoyed working with SQLAlchemy as the ORM mapper to interact with the database.

Data Validation with Pydantic: Before adding the scraped data to the database, I implemented validation checks using Pydantic. This ensured that only high-quality, accurate data was stored.

By focusing on these areas, I aimed to build a scraper that was not just a one-off script but a robust data collection tool capable of supporting more complex analyses and experiments.

Final comments

In the next blog post in the series, I will go over the implementation details. For those interested, you can find the current state of the project here.

This post is part of the Building a Scraper that scales series.

  1. Part I: The Motivation to Build a Scraper in Python

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